REM blushing snowflakes.bas 2016-03-01 SmallBASIC 0.12.0 [B+=MGA] 'modified and colored from 'a t and t line-art for sdlbasic (Windows, Unix etc etc) ' S Shaw, 2013 'modified with rosey xoff=xmax/2 '< modified to fit any screen V yoff=ymax/2 sq=min(xmax,ymax) maxdist=(xoff^2+yoff^2)^.5 '< for color modification scale=sq/2 n=4 : d=43 : flag=0 while 1 color rgb(150,0,0),rgb(0,128,0):cls for rosey=.01 to 1.41 step .2 a=0 : a=a+d newx=xoff while a>0.00001 a=a+d a=(a/360-int(a/360))*360 : a=int(a+0.0001) x=n*a : x=(x/360-int(x/360))*6.283185307 r=sin(x) t=a*0.0174532925 oldx=newx : oldy=newy newx=R*sin(t)*scale+xoff : newy=r*cos(t)*scale+yoff 'do not plot first line to reduce asymetry flag=flag+1 if flag>1 then leng=((oldy-newy)^2+(oldx-newx)^2)^.5 'main modification VVVVVVVVV if leng<>0 then dx = (newx-oldx)/leng dy = (newy-oldy)/leng for i=0 to leng cc=(((oldx+dx*i-xoff)^2+(oldy+dy*i-yoff)^2)^.5)/maxdist color rgbf(max(1-cc/rosey,0),min(1,cc/rosey),min(1,cc/rosey)) circle oldx+dx*i,oldy+dy*i,2 next 'main modification ^^^^^^^^^ end if end if wend color 0,rgb(0,128,0) at 0,0:? "n=";n;" d=";d;" rosey=";rosey showpage delay 10 next n+=2:if n>359 then n=1 '< not random V took out RANDOMIZE d+=1:if d>359 then d=1 newx=xoff : newy=yoff : flag=0 delay 200 'pause between flakes! wend